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- Vintage Cassette Tape Phone Case For iPhone Vintage Cassette Tape Phone Case For iPhone
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Retro Bar Code Label Phone Case For iPhone
Type: Half-wrapped Case
Features: Clear Case, Airbag Cases, Air cushion case, Transparent Case, Four Corners Case, Cool Fruit Pattern Case
Compatible Brand: Apple iPhones
Compatible iPhone Model: iPhone 6S Series, iPhone 7 Series, iPhone 8 Series, iPhone X Series, iPhone XR Series, iPhone XS Series, iPhone 11 Series, iPhone 12 Series
We process orders on weekdays (except holidays). Orders will be acknowledged within 2 working days of receipt and shipped within 4 working days of receipt.
ESTIMATED DELIVERY TIME: (actual duration may vary)
Country | Estimated Shipping Time |
United States & Canada | 8-16 Business Days |
Australia & Newzeland | 7-17 Business Days |
United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Italy & Belgium | 6-14 Business Days |
Rest of Europe | 7-18 Business Days |
UAE and Saudi Arabia | 7-16 Business Days |
Should you decide you do not want to keep your product, please return it to us (in its original condition and packaging) for an exchange or full refund. You have 20 days in which to return your item from the day you receives it
Q: Do you ship worldwide?
Yes. We provide shipping to over 200 countries around the world. However, there are some locations we are unable to ship to. If you happen to be located in one of those countries, let us know and we will contact you.
Q: How long does shipping take?
Standard Shipping time varies by location. to check out the most up to date information regarding shipping time. Please visit our shipping policy page
Q: How long it takes to process my order?
We process orders on weekdays (except holidays). Orders will be acknowledged within 2 business days of receipt and shipped within 5 business days of receipt.
Q: How can I track my order?
in your order confirmation email below thank you, click on "Click here to track your shipment". Alternatively, you can track your shipment on the "Track your order" page on our website, you need either the tracking number, or order number and associated email address.
You can also track it on our ship partner websites like Cainiao Global, or on third-party tracking websites like: 17track, or ParcelApp.
Q: Can I Cancel the otder after it has been processed or ships?
Unfortunately, we don't accept order cancelation requests after the order has been processed or shipped. in case you want a refund you have to wait until you receive the item and then ship it back to us (you will pay for shipping unless you have a proof that there is an issue with the item).

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The case is preciosaa! A fantasy (: I love it. It's taken longer than I expected shipping but it's worth the penaa, it's like in the pictures.
It's super hard and I hope it protects the mobile well. Exactly the same as in the photo. It came very fast.